Sharing my good days and bad days

NaNoWriMo – Day 19

NaNoWriMo 2

Mondays have never been my favorite day, and yesterday was no exception. My daughter was sick with stomach flu, I felt pretty awful at times, too… and was afraid I had caught it from her over the weekend.

And the day seemed so long… but Mondays are often like that.

Last night I thought I would never get past my daily word count. I only got one green bar, because I did get just past 30,000 words but not 1,667 daily words – oh well.

OK, it’s Tuesday now and time to stop whining!

I’m getting my blog post done on my break, so at lunchtime maybe – just maybe I can do some work on my novel. One of the problems I faced last night was lack of Amish names… I had challenged my daughter to a WORD WAR so in order not to stop writing, I had to type, “and Mr. NAME went to the door…”, “I’m not sure, NAME, what to do now.”

You see where I was going… the longer the novel gets, the more names I need and I’m using lots of duplicate names because it seems to be the way it really is… so I’m also needing to keep all the Samuels and Rachels and Henrys sorted. That’s the first thing I’m going to do today… make sure I have all the spots where I need a new name filled.

It’s a dirty job… but somebody’s gotta do it.


Comments on: "NaNoWriMo – Day 19" (5)

  1. Don’t even get me started on names. Who would have guessed that when you are creating an entire kingdom that there were so many people that need names? Not me, that’s for sure 😛


  2. Yeah, there is so much I never knew would crop up! Now I have begun files to keep up with plots, actions, names (for example, just names: boy names, girl names, last names, street names, etc.).


  3. […] NaNoWriMo – Day 19 ( […]


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