Sharing my good days and bad days

Posts tagged ‘Homeschooling’

Waking up with the chickens…



This morning, I woke fifteen minutes before my alarm was set to ring…

I headed to you-know-where… as I was passing by, my daughter whispered “good morning, Mom.”

On my way back to my room, I decided I was going to take those extra minutes, plus maybe the nine more I would have if I hit the snooze button when the alarm sounded, so I tiptoed back to bed and snuggled under my covers.

A few minutes later – still ten minutes before my alarm was set to ring, I heard my grandson’s VERY LOUD old-fashioned alarm clock clanging! Within a few seconds, he had turned it off and I could hear him climbing down from his bunk bed and jump to the floor.

I decided it was important to enjoy family time whenever the opportunity arose, so I “arose”, got a big hug from my grandson, then went to check on the girls… my granddaughter was sitting up in bed but Mom (who I knew had been awake a few minutes before this) was hiding under her covers I grabbed a clean sock, rolled it into a ball and lobbed it at her head! A few other things joined the fun (nothing big, miniature snickers bars and wooden clothes pins) until she finally gave up and joined us.

It was the most fun I’ve had at 5:45 AM… in a VERY long time!

I hope all my readers have a fantastic long weekend…

God bless you!

©Donna J. Mynatt 2014

Bad dreams…

A dear friend of mine posted about having a bad dream…

It reminded me of how many bad dreams I’ve had… too many to try to count…

They mostly involve work issues, but sometimes they come from family matters — there are always other reasons but they are few and far between.

I have to admit many times the work issues cause far more bad dreams than I am comfortable with, but I’ve begun to end each day in prayer [something I should always do] and that helps — it doesn’t always stop the bad dreams, but I’m learning to understand them better.

Remember, God doesn’t promise us  that we’ll go through life without problems – or bad dreams – but that He’ll be there to help us get through them.

This is what helps me…

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

~ John 16:33

God bless you!

©Donna J. Mynatt  2014

Choosing homeschooling: How do you do it?

If you’re even considering the idea of homeschooling, you should read this post…

The Mom Odyssey

If you haven’t read my other posts about choosing homeschooling read them here and here.

In the past few months I’ve heard people say this in response to me homeschooling:

“I don’t know how you do it!”

“I could never teach my children. I don’t have the patience.”

“I don’t think me and my kids could be around each other all the time!”

“I couldn’t teach Algebra or science.”

So how do I do it? How do some do it when others “can’t”? Answer: I don’t know. I feel like God told me I needed to stay home and teach my children. That being at home and teaching them was the best thing for them. The only answer that I can give is that I get strength from God daily. I receive encouragement when Josiah masters something. I feel at peace when I see how well he is doing…

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U.S. Space and Rocket Center… continued

My last post was about how we surprised my grandson with a trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center!

This is the place where you can find:


* Space Camp – grades 4-6 / ages 9-11
— aspiring explorers train to live and work in space. This is your opportunity to command, navigate and contribute to a sophisticated space mission simulation.

* Space Academy – grades 7-9 / ages 12-14
— incorporates real-world applications of science, technology, engineering and math education. Trainees prepare to become the new generation of lunar explorers, with hands-on activities that place them in the role of spacecraft designers/mission controllers and astronauts.

* Advanced Space Academy – grades 10-12 / ages 15-18
— enables high-school aged trainees to forge futures, make friends and explore careers. Trainees are immersed in science, technology, engineering and math education while focusing on college and career preparation.


They have Adult Space Academy, Space Camp Family Program, and Space Academy for Educators.

They even have free parking!


Join us!

God bless you!

25 Days of Christmas – Day 17


8 more days til Christmas!

Now the time is rushing by… and I have so much to do! How will I ever get it all done by Christmas!

I love the last week before Christmas… sending out Christmas cards (yeah, I told myself I’d mail them the first week of December, but the time got away from me).

…sending out packages so they just might get to friends before Christmas.

…and baking! Plan to bake at least one yummy, delicious-smelling treat each day, filling your home with the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin, and other mouth-watering smells.

Be sure to enjoy each day… and don’t let the hustle-bustle and traffic get to you… take a deep breath – and smile.


Merry Christmas!

25 Days of Christmas – Day 14 | Most Uplifting Blogger Award!

I won an award


That means I must be doing something right!

A very nice person nominated me… Thanks JC!

How this works is:

  • Nominate at least 7 (more if you like) blogs for the award. The blog MUST be uplifting in SOME WAY. It doesn’t have to be religious – just uplifting
  • Write a post telling us who you’ve nominated and don’t forget to thank the person who nominated you.
  • Tell us 7 things you are Thankful about/for! (Again, doesn’t have to be religious – most anything will do)
  • Make sure you let the bloggers you’ve nominated know about it.
  • Wear your badge with pride (Post it somewhere on your blog)

And that’s it!

Here are my nominees:

  1. A Joyful Chaos
  2. Blooming With Joy
  3. Serious Thoughts Taken Not so Seriously
  4. dearanonymousfriend
  5. Home-school Mom Musings
  6. Faith is the key
  7. Cooking Adventures With Kids

I hope you find some blogs among this list that will inspire and lift you up! I know they do me!

7 things I’m thankful for:

  1. I am Thankful for my Heavenly Father and His gift of Jesus!
  2. I am Thankful for my wonderful family. They are such a blessing to me.
  3. I am Thankful for homeschooling & music lessons for my grandchildren.
  4. I am Thankful for my job and my home (even if it’s an apartment).
  5. I am Thankful for IBLP and ATI – what a difference it has made in our lives!
  6. I am Thankful to be able to get out of bed each morning and live a productive life.
  7. I am Thankful that God is always with me and will never leave me!

God bless you and have a wonderful weekend.

25 Days of Christmas – Day 12


We’re almost halfway to Christmas… There are special events coming up and everyone is excited…

It’s very cold here, no snow expected. That’s pretty normal for East Tennessee. But there are special events to enjoy:

Sundays are for Christmas services and programs, weekends are for looking for special gifts for those we love and driving around town to look at all the Christmas decorations… some house have only a beautiful tree, while some have a “Griswold” scene with lights, Santa, snowmen, reindeer, signs, etc.

Personally, I enjoy the more simple decorations… a beautiful tree in a window, or wreaths with one candle in each window, or a beautifully lit Christmas tree in the front yard… or a bright star. We usually see at least one house in the neighborhood that has a tree in the window and a big star (white lights strung on the garage).

I remember when my grandchildren were little, one was afraid of the giant snowman in a yard, the other was afraid of the giant blown-up Mr. Grinch figure.

But we all agree that one of our favorite sights is a nativity scene and a bright star. It just feels that the people in these houses are a blessing to us, and to God, for showing the true meaning of Christmas.


God bless you, at Christmas time, and always.

25 Days til Christmas – Day 11


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… our family loves driving through neighborhoods at night, admiring the beautiful lights and decorations.

December is a slow down, enjoy the time kind of month for us. Homeschooling is pared back to a few fun basics. We can do this since we homeschool throughout the year and it makes December much more fun.

Our first year of homeschooling, we tried taking time off in the summer, but the children wanted to “do school” so we worked out a schedule that works better for our family. We make December very flexible, then take a week off in April, the last week in May (homeschool conference), the last week of July, and Thanksgiving week. Even with sick days and extra day soff, we still end up with more school days than required and everyone is happy!

I dearly love that my grandcildren are homeschooled. They are learning so much more, to my way of thinking. They have their regular curriculum, but they are also able to study anything else that they take an interest in… my grandson loves to read and is fascinated with science and history – he’s always asking questions; my granddaughter enjoys “teaching” her dolls and stuffed animals.

We try to find time for field trips, especially those that are pertinent to what we’re studying, and I try to go along whenever possible. We have the best time and the children are flourishing! It’s wonderful!

25 Days of Christmas – Day 10 . . . Versatile Blog Award!


I have been nominated for a blogger award by J.C.’s BookShelf. I am relatively new at blogging, so I was surprised, but tickled pink! I have been watching other bloggers win awards for months and have been wishing I could win an award – now I have! Thanks, JC!

Here are the rules for the award:

•Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
•Write a post and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
•Nominate 15 other bloggers.
•Inform them of their nomination via comment on their blog.
•Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My nominations for The Versatile Blogger’s Award are:

1. A Fan of Amish Life
2. A Joyful Chaos
3. Blooming With Joy
4. Raising 5 Kids With Disabilities and Remaining Sane Blog
5. Moving Mommy
6. Mom in the Muddle
7. Collectables
8. A Homeschool Mom 1,331 Followers Inspirations for Learning
9. At Home
10. Light on a Hill
11. Home School On A Dime
12. At The Well
13. Striving for Purity
14. A Journey of Faith
15. Our Simple Kinda Life 40 Followers The True Adventures of a God-Loving, Spirit-Led Homeschooling Family

And 7 interesting things about myself:

1. I don’t like to drive at night, or long distances, in case my vehicle breaks down and I can’t fix it… but 4 years ago I decided to just “go for it” and took my family to Myrtle Beach. Since then, we have taken a trip every year.

2. I have lived alone for less than 2 years out of 56. 

3. I would love to own a motor home and travel all 50 of the United States with my family, taking the time to see everything we want to see.

4. I went back to college in my late 40’s to finish. By the time I was 55, I had earned a Master’s Degree in Security Management!

5. I would like to visit Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Hawaii some day.

6. I am reading the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation… I don’t understand it all, but I’m still reading it.

7a. I would love to own an old farmhouse on several acres of land, somewhere in Ohio, so I can pursue another career (see below)

7b. I would love to sell the novel I wrote in November… and be able to support myself with a writing career!

Thanks again to J.C.’s BookShelf for the nomination!

New wall sayings…

Last Mother’s Day, my daughter gave me a beautiful wood wall hanging – painted black, cursive letters spelling out “faith“. We hung it in my bedroom where it is the first thing I see every day and the last thing I see before I go to sleep.

Last weekend the store where she purchased it was having a sale, so we bought a few more…

In the living room over the couch is “family“. “home” is hanging in the foyer, and in my room, joining “faith” is “hope” and “love“.

All of these are dear to us, but my daughter’s first gift is the most precious to me.

God has blessed me with an amazing, wonderful daughter. She homeschools her children, and after their bedtime she spends every evening writing on several novels, hoping to eventually support her family with them.

She also takes care of me! When I’m having a bad day, she shows up at my office with lunch or treats. She’s my best friend and I am blessed to have her as an active part of my life!