Sharing my good days and bad days


I have been nominated for a blogger award by J.C.’s BookShelf. I am relatively new at blogging, so I was surprised, but tickled pink! I have been watching other bloggers win awards for months and have been wishing I could win an award – now I have! Thanks, JC!

Here are the rules for the award:

•Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
•Write a post and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
•Nominate 15 other bloggers.
•Inform them of their nomination via comment on their blog.
•Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

My nominations for The Versatile Blogger’s Award are:

1. A Fan of Amish Life
2. A Joyful Chaos
3. Blooming With Joy
4. Raising 5 Kids With Disabilities and Remaining Sane Blog
5. Moving Mommy
6. Mom in the Muddle
7. Collectables
8. A Homeschool Mom 1,331 Followers Inspirations for Learning
9. At Home
10. Light on a Hill
11. Home School On A Dime
12. At The Well
13. Striving for Purity
14. A Journey of Faith
15. Our Simple Kinda Life 40 Followers The True Adventures of a God-Loving, Spirit-Led Homeschooling Family

And 7 interesting things about myself:

1. I don’t like to drive at night, or long distances, in case my vehicle breaks down and I can’t fix it… but 4 years ago I decided to just “go for it” and took my family to Myrtle Beach. Since then, we have taken a trip every year.

2. I have lived alone for less than 2 years out of 56. 

3. I would love to own a motor home and travel all 50 of the United States with my family, taking the time to see everything we want to see.

4. I went back to college in my late 40’s to finish. By the time I was 55, I had earned a Master’s Degree in Security Management!

5. I would like to visit Ireland, Scotland, Germany and Hawaii some day.

6. I am reading the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation… I don’t understand it all, but I’m still reading it.

7a. I would love to own an old farmhouse on several acres of land, somewhere in Ohio, so I can pursue another career (see below)

7b. I would love to sell the novel I wrote in November… and be able to support myself with a writing career!

Thanks again to J.C.’s BookShelf for the nomination!

Comments on: "25 Days of Christmas – Day 10 . . . Versatile Blog Award!" (9)

  1. Thanks for the shootout! An old farmhouse sounds really cool. Hope you get one someday. And that novel deal too.


  2. Hi Donna. Thanks so much for the encouragement. God has been pretty firm with me (He has to be … I’m not great at hear and obey lol!) and has said Faith Journey is all about Him, so no awards allowed ;-( I promise it is not a throw back, but a polite decline, as all the glory is His, its very easy for old me to grab the acalaid and run with it, very humbling to decline. And praying I don’t offend.
    Many blessings and much apprecitation! Natalie 🙂


  3. Thank you for the nomination! These may seem like silly questions, but here goes: Can I nominate you? or 15 others? and is the award certificate just the logo at the top of your page? thanks. you can reply back or email me:


    • Sure, you can nominate me. And/or 15 others. There are actually several award pictures. The one on the right in my post is what many others use. I haven’t seen anyone use just the words (picture on the left) but I liked it for my blog post. And – you’re welcome!


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